"The Scarecrow Returns"


  • The probe is now in Taelon hands.
  • Sahjit suggests that the DNA of Rayna Armitraj, disassembled and replicated by the probe, may still be preserved within the probe's computer memory.
  • Boone has learned the rudiments of the Taelon language, remarkably well according to Da'an.


Ronald Sandoval
  • Sandoval tried, unsuccessfully, to learn the Taelon language when he was first implanted.
Jonathan Doors
  • Doors began his career as an engineer in a nuclear power plant.
Sahjit Jinnah
  • The scientist met his fiancĂ© Rayna Armitraj while studying at the Sorbonne in Paris.
The Taelons
  • Ar’al is the Australian Companion.
  • Da’an is to attend the opening of the Taelon Museum of Art
  • Language
    • There is no grammar to the Taelon language; one must feel the words to see and understand what they say.
    • The written Taelon language is not read in a linear, left-to-right fashion.
    • Seek (imperative verb): [s]a[q][r]uvi
    • Study (imperative verb): laha[r]u[z]i
    • Transmit data (imperative verb with direct object): baha[r]uvi
    • Some of the text from the story of Mali and La[s]a, the first story each Taelon learns, which is similar to the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare: "Sluvra[s]a mo[r]ha[r] Mali La[s]a om[r]uvala
      La[s]a [q]ilui Mali vilui [s]ava…La[s]a vilui [s]olova [u]e-[u]e [e]ami"
    • One of Ar'al's Implants, an Australian Aborigine, attempted to learn Taelon in order to record the Companions’ history on Earth in their native language, but failed.
  • Technology
    • CVI: The CVI seems to negate an Implant's desire to learn Taelon. The Synod does not know why.
The Liberation
  • Liberation Headquarters, and apparently Boone's office as well, are located in the central part of the United States. The structure is equipped with a self-destruct mechanism and a cold fusion reactor that uses deuterium.
The Probe
  • The 'metal scarecrow' discovered by Boone and Marquette in "Float Like a Butterfly," called a probe by the Liberation and the Taelons, was programmed to seek and study life forms having a minimum electrical impulse level and define their tolerances under a variety of life-threatening conditions. It was also programmed to use aggression only when threatened. It uses a neutrino pulse to store and transmit data and can change state, becoming a cloud of particles to move about more easily. The probe reveals itself capable of replicating a human in the same way it did a butterfly.
  • U.S. satellites picked up the probe's transmission from Liberation Headquarters, as well as the transmission it made from the Amish town of Paradise, Pennsylvania.
  • The Taelons seem to know something about the probe; Da'an recognizes the probe's transmission patterns and Quo'on calls the implications of its presence "extreme." The Taelons possess a device that, when placed over the probe's aperture, apparently renders it inert.
  • The Liberation assumes the probe to be of Taelon origin. However, several factors contradict this assessment:
    • It is sending its data to a nebula on the other side of the galaxy from the planet Taelon.
    • Its instructions are written in Taelon script, but in a "different dialect" that feels "off" according to Boone.

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