"Float Like a Butterfly"


  • Boone and Lili arrange for a Liberation team to pick up the 'metal scarecrow' discovered in the Amish town of Paradise, Pennsylvania.


William Boone
  • Boone’s father gave him a fishing pole at age 18 and made his son promise that he would teach his own child to fish. Boone gives the pole to Elijah Good’s son.
  • Boone's father has apparently died by this point, as Boone's says he misses him.
The Taelons
  • Technology
    • Shuttle: The shuttle has the energy signature of a living organism.
  • Companion Reaction Syndrome is the umbrella term used to refer to psychological disorders caused by upheavals in peoples’ worldviews after the Taelons’ arrival. These range in severity from depression and confusion to mass suicide.
  • The ‘metal scarecrow’ is apparently a probe meant to test the limits of the human body. The probe is capable of ingesting a living organism and creating robotic copies of that organism in order to carry out its testing. When damaged, these robots secrete a substance that hardens within a few seconds. Boone and Lili believe the device to be of Taelon origin.

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