"The Secret of Strand Hill"


  • After the Taelons hear Ma’el’s recording, the Synod determines to remain on Earth to seek either the Taelons’ destiny or extinction.
  • Zo’or replaces Da’an as the Companion representative to the United Nations, and will be based in New York City. The Synod feels that North America has proved a difficult posting and believes splitting Da’an’s duties will aid his effectiveness.
  • Beckett offers to help Lili further her Companion career, but Lili says she doesn't wish to become an Implant.
  • Beckett and Sandoval obviously connected in a way that Sandoval does not yet understand.


Lili Marquette
  • Lili was involved in Special Operations and was decorated for her service in the SI War.
Ronald Sandoval
  • Sandoval has no answer when Beckett asks him, “Who are you underneath your CVI?"
Siobhan Beckett
  • Beckett is Companion Protector to the United Kingdom Companion.
  • Beckett was part of an anti-terrorism unit in the Belfast militia.
  • Beckett relies on her intuition, which has “never been sharper since the implantation of [her] CVI.”
The Taelons
  • The planet Taelon is located in the Mahu[r]uva Galaxy.
  • There is a United Kingdom Companion.
  • Agenda on Earth
    • The Taelons face a time table that requires strict adherence.
    • Ma’el
      • Soon after the Taelons achieved star travel, the Taelons sent Ma’el to Earth “to determine if a meeting between the two cultures could be mutually beneficial.” Da’an explains that “Selective evolution can leave a race vulnerable to unanticipated events. A primitive race often bears those traits most helpful in contesting those unanticipated events.”
      • Ma’el collected extensive data on human ancestors over many centuries.
      • Ma’el’s preliminary messages indicated that humanity was a “perfect compliment in every way” to the Taelons.
      • Ma’el’s last message warned the Taelons not to come to Earth under any circumstances. He had come to believe that given time, humanity could evolve to be the equal of the Taelons, but he did not trust his fellows to see humanity as he did.
      • Ma’el destroyed his research and left a recording explaining his actions if the Taelons did not heed his warning.
      • Ma’el disappeared on Earth and was never heard from again over 2000 years ago. He died shortly thereafter. The other Taelons felt his passing through a ripple in the Taelon consciousness. Ma’el was buried in what would one day be called County Cork, Ireland, perhaps by local inhabitants who thought of him as a “mystical king.” A mosaic grave marker placed in a nearby passage grave no more than 2000 years ago depicted Ma’el surrounded by images of the Buddha, Christ, Shiva and Moses.
      • The Taelons came to Earth despite Ma’el’s warning with the intention of verifying Ma’el’s last message by retrieving the scientist’s data. If the data confirmed Ma’el’s warning, the Taelons would leave Earth forever. Da'an led the search for Ma'el's research.
  • Individuals
    • Zo’or wears his human façade to create increased comfort in humans, and hence increased “malleability.”
  • Physiology
    • The Taelons have evolved to the point where their bodies are composed primarily of energies. They don’t place any particular value on physical remains, which dissipate easily.
  • Technology
    • CVI: The implant prevents alcoholic intoxication.
  • The Taelons helped create the United Republic of Ireland.

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